Haliya Cup ~ Menstrual Cup 101
How to Use?
- Sterilize the cup in boiling water for 5-8mins.
- Wash your hands. Make sure your nails are short and clean.
- Fold the cup.
- In wide squat or with one leg up in the toilet seat, insert the cup.
- – 7. Empty the cup’s content before it gets full. On heavy days, check your cup every 2-4hrs, on regular flow 4-6hrs and on light days, empty and wash the cup every 8-12hrs.
Removing the Cup
While in a wide squat push or bare down (like you are about to do number 2), then reach out for the ring of the cup. While holding the ring, pinch the bottom of the cup to release the suction and slowly remove the cup.
Do this in the bathroom floor so you’ll not accidentally drop your cup in the loo.
8 Most Commonly Used folds
Folds are used to create a smaller area for initial insertion. Folding also helps to release any air inside the cup for it to have strong suction.
3 Best folds for beginners:
1. Punch-down
2. C-Fold
3. Labia Fold
Tips in removing Menstrual Cup odor or stain
- Sun dry. Leave it to dry in something with a bit of sun but is not too hot. Just find a sunny spot and leave it there for few hours
- Wash with oil free and fragrance free soap, facial wash or feminine wash.
- Vinegar solution. Mix half water and half vinegar and let the cup sit there for an hour.
- Always wash the cup with running cold water first before sterilizing for storage.
- Don't wear for longer than 12hrs in a day (remove to empty and wash in running water).