
It’s been a while since I created something out of nothing. I must say I’m really proud to create this E-Commerce website within 5 days!
Site’s internal setup still needs thorough clean up and product inventory are yet to be finalized (hey, give me a break, pads are almost out of stock!), but wow, I still got it. 😉

This is my timeline starting from registering the domain, and purchasing a host up to now. Leaving it here for future reminder on how exhilarating it feels to do web designing again.

April 19, 2021 – 8:40PM : Purchased 3 domains and Hostinger Plan.

April 20, 2021 – Busy day so no progress. Watched video tutorials in youtube in preparation of the battle ahead (haha).

April 21, 2021 – Created the Home page, Initial set up the Woocommerce section . A lot of revisions, uninstall/reinstall of templates, loading demo data, icons, logo, banner etc.

April 22, 2021 – Created About us and FAQ section for Menstrual cup. Getting a hang of working with plugins – woocommerce, elementor.

April 23, 2021 – Created a lot of graphics for Size chart, How to use etc. Photoshop with a lot of set of brushes is the savior.

April 24, 2021 – Completed almost every page’s content and woocommerce set up. Headaches from all the youtube videos I had to watch just to understand all the setups needed.

April 25, 2021 (Today) – Updated Account administration section, set up e-mail templates for all status of orders, shipping and payment options. Almost done. Just a few checks to local couriers as I want to ensure that even outside shopee J&T will accept my compostable packaging. I will inquire to ABEST as well as their shipping rates seems cheaper.

After going live, will study SEO again to keep this page on the top!

1 out of 3 domains is now ready to go live anytime now. 2 more domains to go!

  • Lapidahan.com – for our Lapida and Marble business
  • Thenestingboxph.com – for the new business I’m going to open that will also focus on Sustainable products


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